Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Home Care for People with Mental Health Issues

The Need For Different Home Care Services For People With Mental Health Issues

People of all ages and backgrounds experience mental health issues such as schizophrenia, anxiety and manic depressive disorders. Indeed, mental health problems are widespread in the UK with 25% of people having some kind of issue. Given the broad range of mental health problems, a variety of home care services is needed to look after people with mental health issues.

The Different Home Care Services For People With Mental Health Issues

There are many different types of home care services for people with mental health issues. These services include respite for care givers and on-going in home care for people with mental health problems.

Home care enables people with mental health issues to live in their own homes. Furthermore, respite care provides invaluable help for families and individuals who are responsible for looking after people with mental health issues. This is because respite care enables primary caregivers to take a break from looking after their mentally ill charge by organising for a care worker to take over from them for a period of time.

People With Mental Health Issues

People with mental health issues have varying needs. Some people with mental health issues are able to live fairly independently whilst others might require constant care. As a result, if you are looking for respite care or for supported living for a mentally ill friend or relative, it is essential to choose which services you want carefully. This way you will be able to ensure that your friend or relative’s specific requirements are met.

The Home Care Services for People With Mental Health Issues

There are a number of home care services for people with mental health issues in the UK.

Respite Care: This is when outside carers will come into the home of the person with mental health issues. They care for him or her so that the main caregivers can take a break from their everyday care duties.

Supported Living: This is when a carer comes into the home of the person with mental health issues and helps them to look after themselves.

Full time home care: This is when a person with mental health issues requires full time care. Sometimes this care is carried out by a friend or relative and other times it is carried out by professional care workers.

Walking Is Good For Mental Health

One of the most natural things that an individual does every day is to walk. For years, this single act has been linked to improving cardiovascular health. The reason is because, generally, walking is a safe movement that isn’t likely to cause injury. New studies have shown that walking is also a terrific way to improve your mood. The next time you are feeling a little blue, there may be a way to walk it off - literally.

A recent study paired individuals into groups, one of which spent 30 minutes on a treadmill and the other that participated in 30 minutes of rest. Each group’s progress was monitored throughout the treatment with a conclusion that both groups reported having less negative feelings at the end of the study, along with less stress and tension. The difference, however, was found when the group that spent 30 minutes walking also noted an overall improvement in well-being.

While the study further proves the theory that walking is good for mental health, as well as physical, it also lends credence to the theory that people who walk feel better overall. It also proves that an individual does not have to be outside in order to enjoy the benefits of walking. This simple exercise can be achieved with a treadmill or by simply walking in place while tuning into a favorite movie or television show.

Anyone who has been diagnosed as having clinical depression or other illnesses should not ignore, or disregard, his/her medical treatment program. Walking is simply a way to sometimes add further improvement to certain conditions. A simple 30 minute walk can benefit an individual’s mood, improve cardiovascular health and combat obesity all at the same time. In order to be effective, many people find that a daily walking schedule will help to keep them motivated and improve their spirits. In addition, a regular schedule will ensure that there is a time set aside for a walk. It’s very easy to think, “I’ll get around to it later,” but something more often than not will distract individuals away from exercise unless they have a certain schedule that is followed every day.

The information in this article is intended for informational purposes only. It should not be considered as, or used in place of, medical advice or professional recommendations for an exercise regimen. Every individual should consult his/her physician prior to beginning any program consisting of diet and/or exercise.