Belief in a God is Necessary for Proper Mental Health?
Some say belief in a God is necessary for proper mental health although they have no proof of this. In fact those who are the most fundamentalist about God are the most dangerous humans in the World.
Let's take the international terrorists for instance they are very devout and believe in a God, but extremely dangerous and kill innocent people in the name of their God. You see, good people do good things and bad people do bad things and religion unfortunately allows good people to do bad things and use their God to justify.
Therefore all religions are problematic and the cause of most of humans problems. Is proper mental health killing a fellow human being for your God? I think not. In fact for those that believe that it is necessary for proper health to believe in God, I would say that is the biggest bunch of baloney I have ever heard.
Some say the religion gives you a sense of belonging and that is necessary for proper mental health. One individual and met recently said that psychologists and psychiatrists believe this. Unfortunately it is irrelevant what psychologists and psychiatrists believe because half of them are the most screwed up mentally people you have ever met.
In fact in my business I would be careful never to do business with them because they were quite bizarre at times and problematic more often than not. Religion does not guarantee a sense of belonging and nor does the belief in a God. Let's take that BTK murderer who was believed in God and was even part of his Lutheran Church. There are many people who believe in God and commit crimes. What about the lady in Texas, which killed her five kids by drowning them in the bathtub? She believed in God? Well, what happened?
It appears to me that most religions end up screwing people up and causing mental conflict with reality. A belief in a God and a religious background is problematic and it is unhealthy for the mental condition of a human being. It sends a mixed messages and mixed signals.
It makes people week and allows them to rely on a non-existent crutch to get through life. Perhaps all world religions should be banned from first world countries to protect the citizens from purported misrepresentations of nonexistent entities.
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