Panic Attacks 4 Ways to Help
Help for panic attacks is paramount for anyone who experiences these nerve-wracking episodes that cause so much anguish. The amygdale is a region in our brains that is primarily responsible for controlling our natural response to all types of fear. During a panic attack this part goes into high gear and the subsequent response is no longer rational, or influenced by the thinking part of our brain. The amygdale is a very ancient part of our brain and hence it still relies on instinct rather than critical analysis. People require help for panic attacks because the attacks render them completely irrational and capable of clear thinking. If they could think clearly during a panic attack, they would not be having them because panic attacks are often the result of "invisible" causes.
During a panic attack, the thinking brain is overruled by the amygdale. Like most emotional trauma, people recovering from panic attacks will feel drained, emotionally and physically, and fatigued as if they had just finished doing some strenuous physical activity. Help for a panic attack is available through different means and some of these are listed below based on lifestyle parameters that are easily controlled.
Caffeine and Sugar
Both the above have the same effect on the human body when compared to the effects of adrenaline. An adrenaline rush is good in its place but too much adrenaline puts our body in fast-forward mode. Cutting down on coffee and sugar is good help for panic attacks because you avoid the unnatural "rush" provided by both these foods and do not strain your body into producing more insulin to combat the sudden rise in your blood sugar levels. Caffeine wakes you up by jolting your body and that is not really good if you need help for panic attacks.
During panic attacks, breathing becomes erratic, shallow, and fast. You must train yourself into breathing calmly and deeply. Many people do not use their abdomen even when breathing deep. Correct that and breathe from low down, let your stomach inflate and deflate while your chest remains steady. Once you are well settled into this new mode, the next panic attack will require your body to make a big change in the way it breathes, and that is something the human body prefers not to do, so you are providing great help for panic attacks. It is important to practice breathing exercises when you are feeling normal. Trying to practice them during an attack is completely pointless. You cannot form good habits when you are out of your mind.
Staying relaxed a good way to keep the adrenaline under control. Whether stressed out or excited, it signifies more adrenaline. There are relaxation exercises you must combine with your breathing practice. A good help for panic attacks utilizing relaxation and breathing exercises may be found in Yoga. If you prefer, you could even listen to some music or read a book. The point is to relax in whichever way works best for you.
A few inches below the navel and between your abs and lower back, is the center of the human body. Focus your attention there and imagine yourself being calm, and you will discover that you truly are more relaxed.
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