Adult ADD You Control the Horizontal You Control the Vertical
So, you have ADD, right? Do you ever find yourself fidgeting? Like... foot tapping, your whole body might be moving, your fingers tapping--that kind of fidgeting? For ADD people, this probably indicates stress of some kind or sheer boredom.
In fact, if you have ADD, you're probably constantly moving around. Most of the time you may not even notice it. You can be shaking your leg a million miles an hour, not notice, and get mad at someone else for the same kind of repetitive motion.
The major point here is that you're externally communicating to the people in the room with you. Your ADD-related actions are driving everybody else in the room nuts because you're fidgeting around so much. You don’t always notice it. You may be communicating internally, but there’s an external aspect to that, too.
There’s no absolute line between internal and external communication, ADD or not. Both are very clearly related. At the end of the day, internal things are going on inside your body and external things are going on outside of your body, including when you're speaking to someone else.
The thing is we have all these micro-movements in our face and body that we’re not even aware of that other people, especially people who have studied this kind of stuff, will notice instantaneously. All of us, ADD or not, we’re always externally communicating. It’s just a question of if there’s someone else around that either knows what to look for or is, in fact, observing some of those things.
That’s an important point to make because you have to remember. You have control, not your ADD. You have choice over how you’re expressing certain things, certainly not your ADD. Sometimes, even if you’re all alone, you do both internal and external communication, you can cause yourself to become upset. You can cause yourself to have a miscommunication within yourself, and have a reaction. Very easily.
For instance, you may have gotten a call from your boss. He tells you that you did something wrong--minor, but wrong. Some people might go off on this tangent: "I'm going to be fired." You're actually miscommunicating inside yourself. The boss has no intention of firing you and probably forgets about the situation by the next day. It's all in the amount of control you exert over yourself, and that includes controlling your ADD.
Right now, sit down, slump over, start breathing shallowly, think about someone close to you that might have passed away in your life. Instantly you are not going to feel that good.
Now, stand up, take a deep breath, think about the best day of your life. Think about when you accomplished the most amazing thing, the weather was absolutely perfect – maybe it was really sunny out, or whatever you find to be the best weather in the world. You were in peak condition. Your mind and body were feeling absolutely as good as they possibly could have. Emotionally, you were feeling better than ever.
Now, how do you feel? If you think about those things, put your body into that same position, you start breathing as if you were really there. You immediately start feeling better. Right? That's one way to control your ADD.
It’s an example of self-communication or internal communication. You can change your body posture. You can change what’s running through your mind. You can change the words you’re saying to yourself. You can control your ADD.
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