Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Lithium Bipolar Treatment Restoring Mood And Cognitive Functioning

When we hear the word lithium bipolar disorder inevitably comes to mind. It is well known that this substance has been effective in treating symptoms of manic-depressive illness.

The use of lithium for bipolar illness was rediscovered by an Australian psychiatrist who noticed the effect lithium (urate and salts) had on animals. The animals became tranquil and the doctor saw the potential for humans. He went on to administer it to patients who were suffering from mania. Since that time, it has been used as a treatment for manic-depressive disorder.

This substance is a naturally occurring mineral. It is found in certain rocks and in the sea and minute amounts show up in plant and animal tissues. Springs containing this mineral have been used for the soothing effects rendered. It comes as no surprise that lithium bipolar treatment has yielded positive results.

Today, lithium for bipolar illness is known as lithium carbonate or citrate and is administered under trade names such as Lithobid, Eskalith, Duralith, or Lithane. It was approved by the United States FDA in 1970 and is used as a mood-stabilizer.

Distributed in the central nervous system, it interacts with a number of receptors and neurotransmitters in the brain, decreasing noradrenaline release and increasing serotonin synthesis. Lithium bipolar treatments, therefore, have proven to be effective.

Because of possible toxic effects, using lithium for bipolar illness usually involves monitoring blood levels. Kidney and thyroid function will need evaluation as well. Regulation of sodium and water levels in the body can be affected, leading to dehydration. Long-term use is therefore contraindicated.

Psychotherapeutic medications act by controlling symptoms but, like most drugs, they only compensate for some malfunction in the body. They are not a cure for mental illness. Lithium bipolar treatments are part of a larger treatment approach that involves use of prescription medications and psychotherapy.

More information is becoming available about the correlation between nutritional deficiencies and body and brain imbalances. An exciting discovery has revealed that omega 3 fatty acids from fish oils render beneficial effects on brain functioning. Inositol has been shown to influence the action of several brain neurotransmitters. Phosphatidyl choline, a specialty supplement, plays an essential part in forming acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter. Calcium and magnesium regulate nerve impulses and contribute to neurotransmitter production. Similar to use of conventional medicines and lithium for bipolar, natural supplements act on brain chemistry and can bring about a reduction in symptoms.

A herbal remedy can be a valuable adjunct to lithium bipolar treatment, helping to minimize mood dysfunction and supplying the brain with critical nutrients needed for functioning.

Manic-depression is a long-term illness that must be carefully managed. It distorts moods and thoughts and interferes with rationality, and ultimately can erode the desire to live. Therefore, medical help is necessary when dealing with this condition.